
Nothing is more electric than your first steelhead grab on a swung fly. These fish are famous worldwide for line-peeling runs and putting up spectacular, acrobatic fights. Chasing these unicorns is a bucket-list item for many fly fishers.

Oregon’s coastal streams are dominated by winter-run steelhead, whereas the inland steelhead of the Columbia River basin are almost exclusively summer-run steelhead. The Portland Metro area has both.

We will float either coastal, metro, or eastern rivers depending on the time of year and water conditions.

Timing: Summer-run steelhead return to freshwater between May and November. Winter-run steelhead return to freshwater between December and April.

Techniques: Swung presentations only, fly or spoon.

Opportunities: I can guide you on the Grande Ronde via Troy Dettman. Outstanding summer steelhead fishing on dry lines and three-day camp trips make the whole experience. Several of these trips include seminars with Dec Hogan! Reach out to me for more details or deposit information.

Now booking: Winter Steelhead

Summer Steelhead coming soon!